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Elements and Performance Criteria

  1. Process specimens and documentation
  2. Record any discrepancies and indicate what action is required
  3. Log samples, recording details that allow accurate tracking and chain of custody
  4. Participate in the identification and classification of species
  5. Use taxonomic keys to assist in the identification and classification of species
  6. Perform laboratory analyses that can assist in identification and classification of species
  7. Preserve specimens for future reference
  8. Label preserved specimens for storage and reliable retrieval from collections
  9. Maintain viability and integrity of specimens during experimentation
  10. Perform procedures and analyses to monitor the experimental environment
  11. Perform procedures and analyses to monitor the physiology of organisms in the experimental environment
  12. Adjust nutrient requirements and environmental conditions as indicated by monitoring data
  13. Report (to supervisors) data and phenomena that may risk viability of individual specimens or cultures
  14. Report (to supervisors) data and phenomena that are incompatible with the experimental design parameters
  15. Integrate laboratory and field data
  16. Match field and laboratory data codes for tracking, reporting and chain of custody requirements
  17. Log field and laboratory data into information systems
  18. Assist with writing reports of experiments and related field studies